Transfer Process

The Transfer Process

Check out Let's Transfer With Lakesha!

申请转学到大学可能会很贵,而且要填写申请表 is not the ideal time to finalize your college list. Explore your options, learn about 机会和要求,与您的转学支持网络(家庭)合作, 朋友,辅导员,导师,大学代表,和我们-你的转学 Center) to develop your transfer plan to get on course and on your way!

你知道吗:在2020年到2021年之间,有941名夏伯特学院的学生转学到一所 CSU or UC campus!




  • 了解你自己,哪些职业和/或学术追求可能适合你 you. Some suggestions for getting started:
    • Take True Colors on EUREKA (Use Site ID Code: SUXZBEG to create your account.) 
    • Take a PSCN course on career exploration, education planning, self-development, PSCN 18 or sharpening yourself as a successful student
    • Take an introductory course in your possible major.
    • Utilize Know Yourself & Explore within Major and Career Exploration.
  • 向你的教练询问他们的纪律,他们是如何进入他们的领域的 并建议他们通过研究项目来进一步探索它, student clubs, volunteer/internship opportunites.
Name of Chabot College Major How does it exist at the university level?




UC Berkeley offers: Classics, Comparative Literature, English





Human Services



Social Work, Psychology, etc..

  • 而且,夏伯特学院不提供特定专业并不意味着你 can't pursue it for transfer. Examples of this would include B.S. in Construction Management or B.S. in Hospitality at CSU East Bay. 如果你知道你的专业,想知道最好的本科课程 请联系转学中心顾问 Ms. Frances Fon for the resource at




  • Meet with university representatives 获得特定的信息和机会赋予你的个人和智力 interests and needs. This may include:
    • 确定你感兴趣的大学提供的专业/项目 and pursuits. 
    • 确定你在大学里想学的专业可以选修的Chabot课程.
    • 特定的课程或成绩要求,需要考虑或竞争的专业.
    • If applicable, their transfer admission guarantee (TAG) program and eligibility requirements.
    • If applicable, the benefits of earning a Chabot Associate Degree for Transfer.
    • Information about financial aid, housing, support services (e.g. disability accommodations, family housing, childcare, etc.), and  transfer student opportunities after arriving at campus.
    • Having your UC Transfer Admission Planner 在准备转学、申请和/或提交申请时进行审查 UC TAG.
  • Partner with a counselor (并决定你想在你的时间里与之合作的人 谈谈你的目标、个人情况和抱负.
    • 最终,你的目标是与你的顾问合作开发你的定制 反映你转学目标和预期专业的教育计划 universities.
    • 这个计划考虑到你的个人愿望,环境,短期 & long-term aspirations. It may reflect courses that lead to earning multiple certificates or Chabot的学位和/或获得转学入学保证 university.
    • 如果你参加了一个有指定辅导员的项目,请与你的辅导员见面 designated special programs counselor.
    • If you are a STEM major, meet with your STEM counselor.
    • If you are not part of the above, meet with a General Counselor.
  • 与你的导师合作,继续参与你的学科和/或领域 of study. 寻求他们对研究项目、学生俱乐部、志愿者/实习的建议 机会、职业前景、行业发展以及其他挖掘途径 deeper into your field.
  • Learn how to use ASSIST to:
    • 搜索你可以在Chabot上的课程,以取得CSU/UC专业的进步(称为 Articulation Agreements by Major),
    • Search for classes that are CSU and/or UC transferable,
    • Search for classes that fulfill the CSU GE or IGETC pattern.
    • Start with ASSIST Tutorials.
  • 你的大学代表、辅导员和导师有很多建议 of knowledge and recommendations. It is good practice to meet regularly throughout 你在Chabot的每一节课都会完善你的计划和制定 progress toward your goal.
  • Consider how your spend your time outside of school. Whether it is work, childcare, 或者课外/休闲活动/爱好,我们在校外度过的时间 reflect our circumstances, priorities, values, etc.. Think about how this might translate 任何ag体育入学申请论文的讨论,加州大学的个人见解问题, scholarship applications, etc..


  • 绝大多数大学都希望学生能说出学校的名字 主修该专业,并在该专业的课程中取得进步,以便提交入学申请 application. It is highly recommended that you take the time to EXPLORE and PREPARE/PLAN 所以当你进入这个转移过程的阶段,你不需要计算 列出你的人生目标和下学期要上什么课,以便提交一份报告 application. 如果没有申请费减免,申请它很容易要花费100多美元 turn in transcripts to each transfer school. To make each dollar count in the expenses related to applying for transfer, aim to prepare and plan well for transfer.
  • 准备好申请3到5所反映你预期专业的大学,不同程度 竞争力,和/或所需的支持服务,地点,住房, and financial aid/scholarships. 
  • Remember to apply for financial aid and scholarships! Attend FAFSA/CalDream Act workshops 由我们的财政援助办公室提供,以协助完成财政援助 application. Attend the Transfer Application Workshop Series ag体育资助你的转学教育,解读你的大学的主题 Financial Aid Award, and Budgeting.


  • Attend the Transfer Application Workshop Series 为了帮助你理解录取通知、拒绝、候补名单、经济援助奖, enrollment decision deposits, transcript requests, etc..
  • Meet with your university representative to address topics such as:
    • Next steps after submitting the application
    • 我在提交申请后更改了课程,我该如何处理?
    • Financial aid, housing, transfer student orientation
    • I was denied admission. Why? Can I appeal?
    • How do I figure out what classes to sign up for at the university?

Questions? Contact Transfer Center Counselor Ms. Frances Fon at